In General

Seatbelts Save Lives – But Only If They Are Worn.

Responding to emergency calls, I have seen a great deal over the last fourteen years since starting my second career working on an ambulance.  Recently we responded to a vehicle full of occupants that had rolled several times.  All the occupants were safely out of the vehicle and suffered little to no injuries.  Why this particular outcome – all the …

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Consequences Have Value – but only if they are preceived and imposed

In studying why embezzlements and similar crimes seem to be growing in both size and frequency, I have been looking for other societal indicators to see if the problem is bigger than simply thieving individuals rationalizing their thefts. One indicator of society I have been monitoring over the last few months is motorists’ compliance with red light traffic signals.  The …

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The Penguin Caper – One You Won’t Believe

As part of a recent trade show, we purchased a number of stuffed animals, penguins to be specific, to display on our table and our booth.  It was an appropriate theme, as we were sponsoring a visit from the local aquarium with their live pengins for the attendees to meet. There were two conferences that day, and several sponsor displays …

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The more you observe, the less you wish you had seen

Being a fraud examiner, you can never shut things off, and as any good fraud expert knows, observation skills are one of the most important skills you can develop in the fight on fraud. The problem is fraud will find you even when you are not looking for it. Southwest Airlines – well known for their fares, no frills flights …

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Keep Your Eyes On… Everything You Own!

Economy improving?  Property crimes under control.  I personally don’t think so.  Just in the last few days, I have determined that you can’t take your eyes off of anything, regardless of past practices.  What has changed? Last week during a Boy Scouts meeting, as the meeting was underway, my son’s boy scout uniform (just back from having patches sewn on) …

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