Managing Client Emotions in Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation
While many resources exist that outline the primary functional aspects of conducting a forensic accounting or fraud investigation, this book is the first of its kind in addressing the significance of client emotions during investigations and how important the management of those emotions is to the investigation as a whole. Forensic accounting expert Stephen Pedneault has nearly 30 years of experie
nce conducting such fraud investigations, and has become an expert in this form of holistic engagement management. In this comprehensive resource, Pedneault shares his real-world experiences to help the reader understand exactly what role client emotions can play in a fraud investigation, and how to acknowledge and address the emotions of all parties right from the start.
Included in the book are pragmatic strategies for managing emotions throughout an engagement, starting with the initial client meeting. Readers will also learn how to develop their own personal approach to managing individuals’ emotions throughout an investigation, which has proven to be much more effective than ignoring or underestimating the role that emotions can play.
ISBN 978-1-119-47149-3

Fraud 101, 3rd Edition
Now fully revised, Fraud 101, Third Edition explains fraud in a practical, easily understood manner, serving as an enlightening tool for you, whether you are a business owner or manager, an accountant, or an auditor. A valuable introduction for dealing with fraud — from preventing and detecting it to investigating it, Fraud 101, Third Edition provides insightful advice on the inner workings of numerous financial schemes and the internal controls that will increase your awareness and possibly prevent fraud from destroying your organization’s financial stability. Fraud 101, Third Edition will show you how fraud schemes are perpetrated, detected, and investigated, with practical advice on how to notice and prevent fraudulent activity, minimizing the loss experienced by your organization.
ISBN 978-0-470-48196-7

Anatomy of a Fraud Investigation
Most fraud cases, especially thefts and embezzlements, never make it into the public eye. Providing unparalleled insights into what takes place during a fraud investigation, Anatomy of a Fraud Investigation is a valuable resource for you, whether you are a fraud investigator, auditor, or if you simply suspect fraud may be occurring in your organization and aren’t sure what to do. This is a fascinating, insider look at a fraud investigation, designed to help you better understand fraud detection, investigation, and prevention — from the inside out. This unique book articulates the investigative thought process through an authentic case, from the first tip to the forensic accountant that fraud is suspected, to the final judgment in court. No detail is too small here, with consideration given to sometimes overlooked details.
ISBN 978-0-470-56047-1

Preventing and Detecting Employee Theft and Embezzlement
From implementing prudent hiring policies and practices through collecting receipts, making deposits, writing checks, paying employees, and evaluating the adequacy of insurance coverage, Preventing and Detecting Employee Theft and Embezzlement: A Practical Guide covers the major financial areas commonly found in most small businesses, and provides you with easy steps to follow in preventing and detecting embezzlement.
With checklists at the end of each chapter you can literally start protecting your business right away!
ISBN 978-0-470-54571-3

Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation for Non-Experts, Third Edition
The essential guide for every business professional, Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation for Non-Experts, Third Edition is a must-have resource if you’ve been wondering how financial fraud occurs in an organization and what to do if you find or suspect it.
Executives, managers, criminal investigators, and prosecuting attorneys all require a basic understanding of accounting principles and investigative techniques to protect their organizations from fraud. Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation for Non-Experts, Third Edition helps non-accountants better understand basic forensic accounting principles, how different types of fraud occur, and how to detect and probe fraud in an approach that maximizes the chances of successful prosecution of the perpetrator.
ISBN 978-0-470-87959-7
Financial Statement Fraud Casebook: Baking the Ledgers and Cooking the Books
It might seem that accounting fraud only occurs at mega-companies such as Enron, Tyco, and WorldCom, but as Financial Statement Fraud Casebook: Baking the Ledgers and Cooking the Books reveals, that is entirely inaccurate.
Edited by Dr. Joseph T. Wells — founder and chairman of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) — this eye-opening casebook exposes you to the shady world of financial statement fraud — and its occurrence within companies of all shapes and size.
ISBN 978-0-470-93441-8
Fraud Casebook: Lessons from the Bad Side of Business
Fraud is a serious problem that goes beyond monetary losses. It costs jobs, corporate reputations, and individual dignity. Fraud Casebook: Lessons from the Bad Side of Business is the most comprehensive book ever compiled on fraud case studies, presenting the collected insights of some of the most experienced fraud examiners around the world. With revealing case studies handpicked and edited by Joseph T. Wells, the founder and Chairman of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFESM) — the world’s leading anti-fraud organization — this collection sheds light into the dark corners of government and commerce through professional investigations.
ISBN 978-0-470-13468-9
Insurance Fraud Casebook: Paying a Premium for Crime
Insurance fraud is not committed by accounting systems or computers. It’s carried out by living, breathing human beings, victimizing fellow consumers and costing millions of dollars in the form of increased premiums and higher prices for goods and services. If you want to learn how insurance fraud is engineered, how it is investigated and how its perpetrators are brought to justice, Insurance Fraud Casebook is a must-read. Understanding the enormity of this problem is essential in fighting back.
Whether you’re a fraud investigator or an insurance auditor, Insurance Fraud Casebook is your best source for optimizing your fraud detection efforts and protecting against insurance fraud.
ISBN 978-1-118-61771-7

Expert Witnessing and Scientific Testimony: A Guidebook, Second Edition
Based on the author’s more than 35 years of experience as a successful expert witness, this revised and expanded edition of Expert Witnessing and Scientific Testimony: A Guidebook demonstrates how to properly present scientific, criminal, and forensic testimony and survive the onslaught of cross-examination in court. It presents material in a step-by-step format for scientists or business professionals who find themselves thrown into the situation of testifying in a legal action.
New Features in the Second Edition:
- Features two new chapters on fraud and medical malpractice testimony
- Updates and expands the original chapters
The book addresses the courtroom experience by illustrating actual cases and experiences in procedure, strategy, cross-examination, and the exposure of personal history. It stresses that the primary role of an expert witness is to clarify and simplify complex technical, scientific, criminal, or forensic issues. Examples of experts with years of experience as witnesses highlight what to do and what not to do in providing quality testimony.
ISBN 978-1498721066