- Stopping Embezzlement: How to protect your business from the thief within. New Haven Biz, Vol. 4 No. 2 – February 2021
- Don’t Depend on a Handshake. AIRA Jounal, Vol. 32 No. 1 – 2019
- Victims of Fraud Feel Pain After Verdict. The Journal Gazette, Sunday, March 31, 2019
- Don’t Depend on a Handshake. Fraud Magazine. September/October 2018.
- Trust us…we wouldn’t lie to you. Fraud Magazine. May/June 2018.
- Recovering Losses From Employee Theft and Embezzlement. CTCPA. June 2017.
- Shattered Trust: Fraud In the Family. Strategic Finance. May 2015.
- Filling The Fraud Examiners Toolbox. Fraud Magazine. November 2014.
- Need Access To Historical Banking Information? Better Read the Fine Print. Fraud Magazine. September 2014.
- Six Tips For Preventing Embezzlement. Adam J. Cohen, Esq., Common Interest. Issue 4 2014.
- On The Trail Of Embezzlers. Hartford Business Journal. June 3, 2013.
- Protecting Company Coffers. Security Management Magazine. April 2013.
- We Think An Employee Is Stealing From Our Practice: Where Do We Start? Physician’s Money Digest. Spring 2012.
- Are Your Employees Stealing From Your Practice? Physician’s Money Digest. February 7, 2012.
- Embezzlement Lessons From Monopoly. Connecticut CPA Magazine. November/December 2011.
- The State Of Affairs Regarding Employee Embezzlement: Maximizing Your Recovery. Financial Fraud Law Report. November/December 2011.
- Employee Embezzlement: Maximizing Your Recovery. Physician’s Money Digest. November 7, 2011.
- Smartphones, New Apps And Their Related Potential For Financial Crime. Connecticut CPA Magazine. September/October 2011.
- Sound Internal Controls Are Vital To Your Practice’s Health. Physician’s Money Digest. August 30, 2011.
- Creating A Culture Of Compliance. Kimberly Blanton, com. July 15, 2011.
- Forensic Accounting Firm Award Scholarship. Danielle Lee, Accounting Today. July 5, 2011.
- Law Office Administration & Management: Protect Finances: Practice What You Preach. Connecticut Law Tribune. June 12, 2011.
- Don’t Let Employee Theft And Embezzlement Be A Hidden Employee Benefit Funded Through Your Organization. Nonprofit Advantage. June 2011.
- Business Divorces: No Written Operating Agreement A Common Pitfall For LLCs. Connecticut Lawyer. May/June 2011.
- Don’t Sing The Credit Card Blues: Thwart Business Losses With Disciplined Credit Card Review. Fraud Magazine. January/February 2011.
- Internal Controls 2010: Should We Head Back To Basics? Connecticut CPA a publication of the Connecticut Society of Certified Public Accountants. September/October 2010.
- How To Protect Your Small Business From Fraud. Bottom Line Personal. July 15, 2010.
- Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Buy Gas. Connecticut CPA Magazine. March/April 2010.
- Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fraud. Laton McCarthey, com. March 1, 2011.
- Staving Off Criminal Activity. Connecticut Law Tribune. February 22, 2010.
- Financial Statement Fraud Schemes. Connecticut Lawyer. August/September 2009.
- Guarding Against Theft. Connecticut Law Tribune. February 23, 2009.
- It Can Happen To You: Guarding Against Theft And Embezzlement. CBIA News. December 2008.
- It Can Happen To You: Protecting Your Company From Employee Fraud. Fairfield County Business Journal. September 2008.
- Ask The Expert. Just How Safe And Secure Is Quick Books? Connecticut Law Tribune. March 31, 2008.
- Ask The Expert. What “Version” Of Information Is Ultimately Produced When Requested By Counsel? Connecticut Law Tribune. March 10, 2008.
- Lining Up Against A Licensing Idea. Connecticut Law Tribune. November 19, 2007.
- The CPA Goes CSI – Accountants Hone Their Detective Skills To Crack Fraud Cases. Janice Podsada, The Hartford Courant. October 7, 2007.
- TV’s Crime Scene “CSI” Technology: Applications In Your Business. Pulse on Business a publication of the Glastonbury Chamber of Commerce. April 2007.
- Security: Embezzlement Busters. How To Catch A Thief Before It’s Too Late. Shelly K. Schwartz. Physicians Practice. April 2007.
- Prevent, Detect And Insure – The Fraud Approach Triangle. White-Collar Crime Fighter. April 2007.
- Merchants Beware…Of Your Employees. Pulse on Business a publication of the Glastonbury Chamber of Commerce. January 2007.
- Are There Ghosts & Goblins In Your Payroll? Pulse on Business a publication of the Glastonbury Chamber of Commerce. October 2006.
- Reconciling Receipts Wards Off Employee Theft. Pulse on Business a publication of the Glastonbury Chamber of Commerce. September 2006.
- The Enemy From Within. Pulse on Business a publication of the Glastonbury Chamber of Commerce. August 2006.
- Check Washing A Look At Literal Money Laundering And Other Checking Account Chicanery. Connecticut CPA a publication of the Connecticut Society of Certified Public Accountants. July/August 2006.
- Are Your Outside Auditors Doing Enough To Help Management Detect And Deter Fraud? White-Collar Crime Fighter. June 2006.
- Travel & Expense Fraud- Detection And Prevention Strategies. White-Collar Crime Fighter. December 2005.
- Payroll Fraud- Do You Know Who Your Highest-Paid Employees Are? White-Collar Crime Fighter. July 2005.
- Auditing For Internal Fraud: A Simple, Systematic Approach. White-Collar Crime Fighter. December 2004.
- Vigilance Detecting Employee Theft Is Everyone’s Responsibility. Connecticut Medical Group Managers Association (CMGMA). Fall 2004.
- Yes, Auditors Can Stop Fraud: If They Know What To Look For. White-Collar Crime Fighter. May 2004.
- Forensic Data Analysis: Power Toll In Fighting Internal Financial Crime. White-Collar Crime Fighter. May 2004.
- Finding The Needle In A Haystack. Hartford Business Journal. September 15, 2003.
- The New Face Of Accounting Goes Far Beyond The Bean. Together with Richard A. Royston, Connecticut Business Magazine. August/September 2002.
- Don’t Let The Lunch Time Bandits Steal You Blind. Dorothy L. Pennachio, Medical Economics. August 23, 2002.
- Forensic Accountants The Response Team To Financial 911 Calls. Hartford Business Journal. July 15, 2002.
- People To Count On In Fraud Cases Forensic Accountants Dig Up The Legal Dirt In Questions Of Finance. Dana Ambrosini, Connecticut Post. February 18, 2002.