
The Penguin Caper – One You Won’t Believe

As part of a recent trade show, we purchased a number of stuffed animals, penguins to be specific, to display on our table and our booth.  It was an appropriate theme, as we were sponsoring a visit from the local aquarium with their live pengins for the attendees to meet. There were two conferences that day, and several sponsor displays …

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Keeping Up With Embezzling? Shop at Staples!

In the movie “Men In Black” (MIB) staring Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith and Vincent D’Onofrio, there is a scene where they visit a newsstand to collect the recent tabloids.  Kay (Jones) tells Smith that the tabloids are what they use to keep track of the aliens living on the planet. He makes a reference to Elvis, and tells him …

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Great Article – Theft of Receipts Schemes Thriving

This article appearing February 21, 2010 illustrates two key points I highlight in my writing and speaking. First – theft of cash receipts schemes continues to be the method of choice, stealing payments intended to employers and diverting them for personal use. Second – sharing information during an investigation often leads to additional discoveries and information. This individual was accused of stealing …

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Thinking about drinking… Consider the Chaser!

There was a marketing campaign in Connecticut aimed towards preventing drinking and driving.  It went along the lines of “Thinking about drinking and driving?  Consider the Chaser.”  The ad ended with images of police and police cars stopping a drunk driver. I thought the ad was a well-executed play on words.  “Consider the Chaser” related to a drink following a …

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