Another Case of Irony (steal from the poor to get rich)

A case of reverse Robin Hood – steal from the poor to become rich.

“Kentucky woman pleads guilty to embezzling from Little Sisters of the Poor, Facing Prison Time.”
“A former bookkeeper for the Little Sisters of the Poor pleaded guilty Monday to embezzling more than $300,000 from the charity and using the money to buy herself a new car, among other items. She pilfered $364,135 from the charitable organization by forging the names of nuns in writing 43 checks on the organization’s account between April 2010 and November 2011. Little Sisters of the Poor, who operate St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged in Louisville, called police to report suspicions that Montfort was embezzling from the organization.”

BRETT BARROUQUERE Associated Press–Little-Sisters-Embezzlement

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