
Public Signs: The Start Of A Trend For Consequences?

Day after day, people choose to break the law, and there simply are not enough resources available to address the growing frequency of crimes.  Naturally the resources are directed towards the most serious offenses, such as homicides, assaults, sexual assaults and robberies.  Unfortunately, as more and more members of our society put their own needs and life before anything and …

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Is “Trust” a consideration in designing and implementing internal controls?

When I am working on evaluating, designing and implementing internal controls and accounting procedures within client organizations to minimize the risk of employee theft and embezzlement, I am frequently asked why certain measures are needed, given that a certain individual works within a position.  The individual is often described as a long-term, honest, loyal, dedicated and trustworthy employee who would …

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Another Case of Irony (steal from the poor to get rich)

A case of reverse Robin Hood – steal from the poor to become rich. “Kentucky woman pleads guilty to embezzling from Little Sisters of the Poor, Facing Prison Time.”“A former bookkeeper for the Little Sisters of the Poor pleaded guilty Monday to embezzling more than $300,000 from the charity and using the money to buy herself a new car, among …

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Santa Wasn't The Only One Busy Christmas Eve: Embezzlement

Embezzlements occur throughout the year, and Christmas season is no exception.  In fact, in my experience the rate of theft and embezzlement is greater in the November and December time period, commonly with the illicit proceeds used to fund holiday shopping for family and friends.  Many of these thefts may not be discovered until the Spring, or even later. In …

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