
Fraud Prevention – “A Shared Responsibility”

I attended a fraud symposium sponsored by one of my state’s largest banks where they referenced their approach on preventing and detecting fraud as a “shared responsibility.”  The bank’s representatives highlighted bank products available to better protect the customer and the bank from instances of fraud, and discussed how in the future account holders would have to decide if they …

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Feeling Secure Using ATMs – Guess Again?

Much attention has been directed towards identity and credit card thieves “skimming” unsuspecting individual’s debit and credit cards, capturing the account information off the card’s magnetic strip and making up fraudulent cards using the captured information.  The first notice an unsuspecting card holder receives that their account has been jeopardized is when fraudulent charges start appearing on the violated account, …

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Another Sad Sign Of Our Deteriorating Society

I watched President Obama deliver his speech last evening, and was shocked like all those in attendance when Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina heckled the President with his emotional outburst.  In at least one article in today’s media, individuals from Wilson’s district supported his actions.  Here’s just one quote – “Yeah, it was rude, but somebody needed to say …

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Consulting Expert versus Testifying Expert – Strategy Decisions

In litigation, there are two types of experts that can be retained by counsel.  The differences between the two can have a significant impact to retaining counsel’s case.  One major difference is that the “consulting expert” is typically retained by counsel as an “extension” of the law firm to assist counsel with formulating strategy, reviewing documents, and other assistance in …

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Cudos to James Nealson Who Nailed This Issue Regarding Production

Ever read an article that simply nailed an issue? The first two paragraphs of James Nealson’s article published in the CT Law Tribune has done that for me, based on my personal experience with litigation cases I have been involved in the last few years. The common practice of withholding documents and information by opposing parties not only negatively impacts …

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